The Gyro Air Introduction
The release of the Gyo Air Dust Processor in the USA earlier this year was 6 years in the making. We at Harvey weren’t going to settle for bringing another loud, generic dust collector to market, and it took some creative and innovative thinking to make the G700 happen. Harvey engineers talked not only to woodworkers but professionals from many other industries and asked them to describe what a perfect dust collection system would be. We took that information and went to the drawing board. It didn’t take long for us to realize that to do this properly, we were going to have to start from the bottom up and rethink the dust collector to make it completely different.
There are lots of things different about the Gyro Air compared to regular dust collectors, but we’ll start off with some of the most noticeable (or unnoticeable) differences. Our dust processor is quiet, really quiet, like stand next to it and not realize it’s running quiet. Most dust collectors are loud, over 90 decibels (dB). The Gyro Air ranges from 61 to 72 dB, which is the same noise level as a normal conversation. This allows you to keep your silent dust collector running while you focus on other things.
When we say our dust processor ranges from 61 to 72 dB, it’s because the Gyro Air is one of the only machines with a variable speed. Most dust collectors have one setting, ON, when often times you really only need about half the suction power. We decided to let the operator decide how much power is needed with just an easy turn of a knob. So whether your collection needs are large or small, you choose how much suction you need.
Why do we call the Gyro Air a dust processor and not a dust collector? We’ll try to describe as simply as possible. Your average dust collector works by pulling the air (and dust) through a fan, possibly through a cyclone chamber, and then to the bags (or pleated filters) where the major filtration really takes place. The bags will only allow air and the really small dust particle through, depending on the rating of the filter. But once those small holes in the bags become filled with larger dust particles, the sucking power of the collector decreases drastically requiring the operator to constantly clean the bags or pleated filters. How the G700 works is completely different. When the air (and dust) gets pulled into our system, it is sent down the 2 stainless steel tubes spinning around the edges like a tornado at extremely high speeds. These forces on the dust particles cause therm to thrown out of the air flow and shot down into the disposal bins. Over 99% of the dust doesn’t make it to the filters. Why is this important? Since almost none of the dust is making it to the filters, you keep full suction power for longer! Hence a dust processor, not a dust collector, we want to make sure everyone knows that we are different.
The Gyro Air dust bins are easy to empty using disposable bags. Once the bins are full, the machine will let you know that the system needs to be emptied, and automatically turn off. Simply, unlatch the front door of the Gyro Air and slide the bins out and pull out the disposable bags, Done. Â Our two pleated filters have beaters for the times that they need to be cleaned and that very fine dust can be easily removed from the ports beneath the filters.
These are just a few of the really cool features of the Gyro Air Dust Processor. To learn more, check out the product page on our website and don’t be afraid to ask the Harvey Team any questions you may have.